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New Jersey May Throw out Your Traffic Violation: Here's Why


If you have a traffic violation or ticket from the past, get ready for some good news. New Jersey is looking into eliminating around 800,000 tickets and violations.

An Oct. 4 report states that the state is holding hearings to decide if minor traffic violations or parking tickets will be thrown out instead of making individuals pay them. The State Supreme Court recommended this action as a way of eliminating around 787,000 old complaints. There are literally hundreds of thousands of complaints open and unresolved. Many of these cases go back before 2003, so the court is looking into dismissing them.

What kinds of complaints are there?

The complaints include violations such as speeding, improper passing, running red lights, parking violations, and others. These are all minor infractions.

The courts will listen to reasons why these violations shouldn't be dismissed. For example, some may argue that it's unfair, considering people never paid for their actions. However, these open warrants and violations do take up space and time, so closing the book on them is something to consider.

If you have an older offense, this may be the news you want to hear. You can discuss your specific situation with your attorney and stay up-to-date on the options open to you. You may find that you don't actually owe anything for the violation you committed in the past, which is just as good as going to court and arguing against the violation after all this time. Discussions will take place the week of Oct. 21, so news should follow shortly for those interested.
