Driving a commercial vehicle within New York City is no easy task. Navigating narrow, crowded streets while trying to meet deadlines can put drivers in difficult situations. If you hold a commercial driver’s license in New York, you know that there are stringent regulations by which you must abide in order to retain the ability to drive commercially. Some traffic violations may result in fines or action against an employer but some can result in points added to your driver’s license.
On the website of the New York City Department of Transportation, some important information for commercial drivers is provided. It details the list of routes designated for use by commercial vehicles and trucks within the city, as these vehicles are not allowed to use just any city street. It also provides an overview of the off-hour delivery program that you can participate in. This is a program by which commercial deliveries are made to businesses between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. It can help to reduce the number of violations that come all too easily from driving during more congested times.
As a commercial driver, you should also be educated about where and how to park your truck or commercial vehicle in New York City. These aspects of New York traffic law can be very detailed and are even subject to change based upon what part of the city you are in.
At Martin A. Kron and Associates, LLP, our team of legal professionals understands the ramifications of traffic violations for commercial drivers and knows how to help you if you have received a citation.